English Audioguide - Via dell'Abbondanza and Houses of gods
English Audioguide - Via dell'Abbondanza and Houses of gods

Via dell’Abbondanza is one of the main arteries of Pompeii, running through the city from east to west. This lively avenue was the hub of the city's commercial and social life, lined with shops, taverns, workshops, and residential houses. Walking along Via dell’Abbondanza, you can truly feel the vibrant atmosphere of ancient Pompeii.

One of the most notable houses along this street is the House of the Vettii, a splendid example of a Roman residence decorated with exceptional frescoes. The House of the Vettii belonged to two wealthy freedmen, Aulus Vettius Conviva and Aulus Vettius Restitutus, and represents the pinnacle of Pompeian domestic luxury. The frescoes in the main rooms depict mythological and erotic scenes, created with great skill and vivid colors.

Next to it is the House of the Labyrinth, named for its intricate floor mosaic depicting the myth of the Minotaur’s labyrinth. This house is another example of how art was integrated into the daily lives of Pompeians, with beautiful mosaics and wall decorations adorning each room.

As you continue along Via dell’Abbondanza, you will also encounter numerous graffiti engraved on the walls, offering a direct glimpse into the city’s social and political life. The graffiti includes electoral announcements, love messages, and even jokes, revealing a vibrant and communicative community.

The street also leads to significant public buildings, such as the Stabian Baths, one of the oldest and most complete thermal complexes in Pompeii. The baths were a center of social life where citizens would meet to bathe, discuss business, and relax. The facilities include a frigidarium (cold room), a calidarium (hot room), and a tepidarium (warm room), with heated floors and elaborate decorations.